Monday, July 12, 2010

Wrath of Lamb July 12/10

Dear Mother Nature:

Hi there, it's me again... Jason Lamb. Just writing to say thank you for making today so windy and cloudy and cold... because God knows five days is more than enough summer. It's good, because I really didn't have any plans to take my family outdoors this summer, we'd much prefer to stay inside and watch TV or play Scrabble by the fire. I like having to bundle up to visit the beach. And the grey skies and wind and rain remind me how lucky we are to pay half a million dollars for a 800 square foot bungalow. I appreciate that you are protecting me from skin cancer by not allowing my body to get exposed to harmful UV rays... or any rays for that matter. I enjoy having a transluscent hue to my skin. It's great that I don't have to bring out my sunglasses at all, that just means they'll last longer... same with my bar-b-que and my frisbee. So, thanks Mother Nature, five days was plenty summer for me.

And in case you couldn't tell, I'm being SARCASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!

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