Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wrath of Lamb June 30/10

Tomorrow is Canada Day, and it's always a good idea to sit and reflect on why this country is so awesome. I'm very proud to be a Canadian. I guess I don't know any different, but this is the country where I met my wife, where we had our baby, where I started in comedy and radio, and where all my friends and family are. We have a great health care system... it's not perfect, but it's pretty damn good, and if you don't think so, watch the Michael Moore film 'Sicko'.

We produce some of the best comedians, best music and best art in the world. Sure, our TV shows and movies still suck, but whatever. There is still so much untouched wilderness in Canada, it's mind-blowing. You can drive an hour from anywhere and be in total nature. I love that. All things considered, we have a pretty liberal-minded country, too. You can walk down the street smoking a joint, and you won't be thrown in jail for 15 years. Not that I do, of course, but some people do, I guess. We have fresh air, good food, cold beer and beautiful women. And if you travel around this amazing planet, you will see that Canada is held in pretty high esteem. Everyone wants to be Canadian. Well, I am, and I'm proud.

Happy Canada Day, everybody!

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