Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wrath of Lamb June 16/10

So. a Manitoba review panel has decided the man who beheaded a passenger on a Greyhound bus two years ago should be allowed to take short, supervised walks around the mental facility he's in. They say this will give them an idea as to whether he might be ready to be re-integrated into society. I say, um... no. What does it take to keep these people locked up? I'm not sure exactly how the rules should be laid out, but I don't know... maybe if you CUT A STRANGER'S HEAD OFF, you should not be wandering around my neighbourhood. I'm all about giving people second chances, but sometimes you only get one chance. Like if you kill a total stranger for no reason, that would be an example.

No second chance.

I don't care how mentally ill you are. If it's so easy for someone like that to get better, then it's just as easy for them to snap again. It blows my mind that we're even close to releasing a guy who CUT SOMEONE'S HEAD OFF!!!!!!

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