Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wrath of Lamb December 16/09

I want to add a word to my list yesterday of the words I don't want to see in 2010. The word is 'hero'. I'm okay with the word being used in its proper context, but it has become so overused its basically meaningless now. I happened across 'Wheel of Fortune' last night, and it was 'heroes' night. The contestants were all in the US military. That does not make them heroes, I'm sorry. Neither does being a firefighter, a cop or a paramedic.

Those are simply career choices.

A guy that runs into a burning building to rescue a family he's never met... THAT's a hero. Someone who sees a person drowing in a lake and jumps in with no thought of their own safety, that's a hero. It may be too late, but let's try to save the word 'hero' for people who deserve it. Because if everyone's a hero, then nobody's a hero.

Ya get me?

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