Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wrath of Lamb May 18/10

So, I'm back from a 3-day trip to Las Vegas with 8 buddies. We had a great time... if you've never been to Vegas, it is really quite mind blowing. I noticed something interesting when I was down there. There are literally thousands and thousands of people in the streets, nearly all of them drinking. You can drink anywhere in Vegas, and you can do it 24-hours a day. Some people walk around with these giant plastic contraptions, 4 feet tall, filled with beer or margaritas or whatever. And despite all this, I never saw one fight, and very few real drunken idiots.

Much different than any typical weekend night in downtown Victoria.

I think it's because when you give people complete freedom, there's a certain amount of self-policing that takes place. People pace themselves and behave, because there's no sense of hurry or rebelliousness, because there are no rules to break. I'm not saying Victoria should allow the same kind of debauchery as Vegas, but there's something to be said for allowing grown adults to do what they want.

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