Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wrath of Lamb September 08/10

The following is my review of 'Max and Ruby Live' yesterday at the Royal theatre.

As I entered the Royal theatre for the matinee presentation of Max and Ruby live - Bunny Party, the air of anticipation was palpable. The animated brother and sister rabbits from Treehouse TV were finally in our fair city, and we were ready for them. When the lights dimmed and the theme song came on, the screams of children was deafening.

Then it all started to go terribly wrong for me.

Two large stuffed rabbit mascots came on stage... looking less like Max and Ruby, and more like something from Donnie Darko. A very weak storyline unfolded, as the two prepared for a birthday party for a 'special mystery guest'. With substandard musical numbers and dancing, we were subjected to a trip to the store, a ride on the bus and back home again. The production value teetered somewhere between a grade 4 play and a homeless person's puppet show. The crying and generally bored response from the audience, was indicative of the overall disappointment.

After a 15 minute intermission... added, apparently, to sell overpriced stickers and annoying light wands, we settled back in for the conclusion. This reviewer did not see the end, as my companion very loudly declared 'I WANT GET OUT.... GET FENCH FIES!!'... I hear ya buddy. I never learned the identity of the special mystery birthday guest, but I'll bet dollars to donuts it was Grandma Bunny. All in all, a rather unsatisfactory experience, and a feeling that Max and Ruby must be laughing all the way to their bunny bank.

Let's hope for a better concert-going experience when Toopy and Binoo come to town.

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