Friday, February 26, 2010

Wrath of Lamb February 26/10

Kind of a heavy one today.

I find myself quite sad about the suicide of Andrew Koenig... he's the guy that used to be on Growing Pains and his father played Chekhov in the original Star Trek series. Watching his dad speaking to reporters on TV was heart-breaking. Walter Koenig was crying as he begged anybody who is suffering from depression and contemplating suicide to talk to someone and get help.

I've talked before about the stigma attached to mental illness, and unfortunately it's that stigma and shame that prevents many people from getting the help they need and leads them to a place where they feel there is no hope and no solution besides taking their own life. People who don't understand what depression is, think someone with the illness is just 'down in the dumps' and they should just 'cheer up'. But depression is far more severe than that. You don't want to get out of bed, you don't want to answer the phone, and there is a constant overwhelming feeling of sadness and hopelessness that sits on you like a huge weight.

Sound like I know what I'm talking about?

I've had two friends kill themselves in my lifetime, and let me tell you, it's not fun. I don't think people who commit suicide fully realize the wide effect it has on their family and their friends. So please, if you or someone you know is depressed and you feel there is nowhere to turn, talk to somebody and get help.

Things will get better... They always do.

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