Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wrath of Lamb November 25/09

I say good for Adam Lambert. He's the openly gay American Idol guy who performed a racy number at the American Music Awards on Sunday night. He kissed his male keyboard player and did a bunch of other sexual stuff. It was no racier than anything Britney Spears or Madonna or Lady Gaga would do. So why was it controversial?

Because it was gay.

So now ABC cancelled his appearance on 'Good Morning America' and he's being asked to apologize. And he refuses to. And I say good for him. I'm not a fan of his music, and I don't particularly enjoy watching him gyrate around the stage with a bunch of guys in leather either. But if Britney can do it, Adam Lambert should be allowed to do it, too. Thats the hypocrisy of America. You can't have one set of standards that say 'we're okay with homosexuality', and then turn around and be shocked when it's brought to the forefront.

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