Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wrath of Lamb March 30/10

I am quite interested in this BC Human Rights Tribunal involving the comic and the lesbian.  If you haven't heard, this stand-up comic is in trouble for saying some nasty things to a lesbian woman and her partner, after they were heckling and interrupting his show in Vancouver.

This is scary.

I don't know what exactly Guy Earle said to these women, but it doesn't really matter. The fact is, freedom of expression is at issue here. I know some people might call me a hypocrite, because of what I said about Ann Coulter last week, but I never said she didn't have the right to free speech.

I just think she's a bitch.

If a stand-up comedian cannot have the freedom to say what he or she wants, then the entire art form is in jeopardy. All the greatest, boundary changing comedians have said things that people didn't like... Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Lenny Bruce, Bill Hicks. And the main point is, if you heckle and ruin a show, the comedian is gonna say whatever they can to shut you up and make you look the fool.

So, suck it up and learn how to take a joke.

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