Monday, March 15, 2010

Wrath of Lamb March 15/10

Peter Graves died yesterday.

He was 83 years old, and I know many of you have probably never heard of him. He was mostly known for playing tough guys and spies and stuff in the 60s. But then he did a movie in 1980 that showed him in a whole new light. And it was a movie that had a HUGE impact on me.

The movie was called 'Airplane'.

My parents took me to see it in the theatre when I was 9 years old. It was the first time I heard swearing in a movie, and the first time I saw boobies. It was the funniest thing I had ever seen, and I doubt I even understood half the jokes. 'Airplane' is still one of my favourite movies. It's a little dated now, but it paved the way for all the 'parody' movies that came after it.

So, RIP Peter Graves, you really made me laugh.

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