Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wrath of Lamb July 29/10

So, I got a little upset yesterday when Dylan said he had never heard of Ansel Adams. He's a famous American photographer who took alot of black and white pictures of nature, back in the day. I thought it was ridiculous that someone wouldn't know who Ansel Adams was. Well, we went around the station here and did a poll, and it turns out Dylan's not alone.

Of the 21 people we asked, 5 knew who Ansel Adams was, and 16 had no idea. Wow. So, I conceded defeat to Dylan, like the big man that I am. But it still bothers me that so many people are clueless to cultural history.

I bet more people could name three Lady Gaga songs, than three famous Renaissance painters. People watch Big Brother without any idea who George Orwell is. And they think Fellini is a type of pasta.

Maybe this is the old guy in me talking, but what are we teaching the kids in school these days?

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