Friday, July 9, 2010

Wrath of Lamb July 09/10

The Calgary Stampede kicks off today, with a big parade, before a beer-fuelled weekend of wannabe cowboys acting like jackasses descends on that wannabe American city. This year, there is a big push from some animal rights groups who want to stop certain parts of the rodeo, like the calf-roping event. For me, the Calgary Stampede is a nice family festival, that is built around a barbaric and brutal display of animal cruelty and ridiculous macho muscle flexing. In the last 20 years, more than 30 horses have died during the Stampede, and who knows how many cows.

Have you seen the bull-riding?

Wow, what athletes. The reason the bull is bucking like that, is because they tie his testicles way back between his haunches. He flails around like that because he's in extreme pain and discomfort, and he can't figure out how to stop it. Real nice. And the calf-roping event? These are baby cows. Babies. They get a rope thrown around their neck, yanked violently to the ground, then tackled and their legs tied up.

Real manly.

Perhaps if these rodeo clowns were to endure the same treatment themselves they'd think twice about how they treat these animals. Hell, I'd buy a ticket for that. Of course, you always hear 'Well... gol-dang y'all, this is a tradition... my pappy did it and his pappy, and his pappy before that.' Well, Your great grand pappy also had other traditions, like salvery, not allowing women to vote, and beating children with reeds at school. Those traditions are dead, and I think it's time this one joined them. It's called evolution.

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