Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wrath of Lamb May 26/10

There's been quite a bit of backlash lately for Facebook, when it comes to its privacy settings, so now the social networking site is tightening up its controls and admitting it made some mistakes. And truthfully, it is a little scary some of the stuff they've been trying to pull lately. But, it all comes down to one thing... Be careful what you post on the internet, because it's there forever.


Everybody that signed up for Facebook knew they were signing up on a free service, run by people they don't know. Ever since this whole internet thing became popular, there have been thousands of stories of people's private lives being exposed to the world. And usually, it's their own fault. If you don't want to lose your job, don't post rants about how much you hate your boss. If you don't want your marriage to dissolve, don't post pictures of you licking whipped cream off that cocktail waitress.

It's pretty simple.

I don't like the idea of Facebook sharing my information with third party sites either, but I like Facebook enough to stay on it... for now. But we all know something bigger and better will come along soon enough. Facebook will become obsolete, just like all the others. Remember MSN Messenger? Myspace? ICQ? Until then, I will continue to use Facebook to network with friends, share thoughts and ideas, and keep up with the pointless everyday ramblings of people I barely know and don't care about.

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