Friday, May 21, 2010

Wrath of Lamb May 21/10

I'd like to put out another call for people to sponsor me for this year's Great Strides walk, happening at Royal Roads University on May 30th. The walk is to raise money for research into a cure for Cystic Fibrosis, a terrible and fatal genetic lung disease. I'm doing the walk for my friend Paul, who has had the disease all his life. He wasn't expected to live past his late teens, but he turned 40 last year.
But he is the exception to the rule. Paul firmly believes they are close to a cure, and he may see it in his lifetime. I hope he's right. As a father, I can't imagine my son being diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis, and then knowing every day was borrowed time. I received an email from the CF Foundation, about a 2-1/2 year old girl named Ella who has CF.

Since she was born, she's spent 70 days in the hospital, had 4 operations, 18 chest x-rays. she's sat through 1300 hours of chest x-rays and inhalations, and swallowed more than 23-thousand pills.

Two and half years old.

So, please sponsor me on this walk, so more little kids don't have to go through this. Go to , click on the Great Strides logo, then sponsor a walker. Search my name and give what you can. Thanks!

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