Monday, June 28, 2010

Wrath of Lamb June 28/10

I'm not normally one to get on board with conspiracy theories. But there's one floating around right now, that kinda makes you think. I'm talking about the huge protests that took place in Toronto for the G-20 summit. There were thousands of people marching on the streets, and it was very peaceful. Until a group of yahoos started trouble by smashing windows and even torching a couple of police cars. Well, there are some people out there who think the police themselves were responsible for the violence. That's right, the theory is that dozens of protesters were actually undercover cops, or people hired by the cops, whose job was to create havoc.

Sounds crazy, right?

The term is 'agent provocateur', and it wouldn't be the first time this tactic has been used. The Quebec police have admitted that during some demonstrations three years ago, a group of protesters hurling rocks to try and incite a riot, were, in fact, undercover cops. So, why in the world would the police want to cause a riot?

Well, it's simple.

It accomplishes two very big things... firstly, it gives a black eye to the legitimate protesters, which sways public opinion, and makes the police look justified in shutting it all down. And secondly, it justifies to the public the hundreds of millions of dollars being spent on security for these events.

Something to think about.

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