Monday, November 30, 2009

Wrath of Lamb November 30/09

This whole Tiger Woods thing is very weird, don't ya think? If you haven't heard, he was apparently in a 'car accident' just outside of his home in Florida. His wife had to use a golf club to smash the back window out of the car, so she could get him out. When the cops arrived, Tiger was lying in the middle of the road with facial injuries, in and out of consciousness.


This comes a week after stories came out about Tiger apparently having an affair with another woman. All I know, is it's stories like this that remind me that even the richest, most powerful people in the world, are still just people. They're just as human as you or me. I mean, Tiger has more money than we can even fathom. The man could take a ride on the space shuttle in a solid gold spacesuit, and eat a panda burger off a diamond encrusted plate.

But he'll still get a 5-iron in the face if he pisses off his wife.

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